Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blog Entry #2 — Relational and Instrumental Understanding

Writing: Skemp's distinction between two different types of understanding is still frequently referenced in mathematics education today. Write a paragraph that compares and contrasts these two types of understanding. Your paragraph should include some of the following things, although not necessarily in this order.
  • A definition of each type of understanding.
  • How the two types of understanding are related. (Are they mutually exclusive, contain some of the same things, etc.?)
  • Their advantages and disadvantages.
Your paragraph should start with a topic sentence that reflects the content of the paragraph. Instead of following the order of ideas above, your paragraph should be organized in a way that makes sense to you. The purpose of this paragraph is summarize Skemp's ideas, so while the organization should come from you, all of the content should come from Skemp's paper, and should accurately reflect his thinking. Lastly, do not quote anything from the paper. Instead, state all of the ideas in your own words.

Commenting: Visit three different blogs, preferably blogs that you didn't comment on last time, read the comparison paragraph, and then write a comment that includes the following parts:
  • One part of the paragraph that you think meets the assignment well. It may be that you like the way that the person defines the two types of understanding, or the logical structure of the paragraph. 
  • One part of the paragraph that you think could be improved. For example, this could be a place where the author failed to follow directions or where ideas are not expressed clearly. Remember to hedge in your comments and to use "I" messages.
If a blog already has five student comments on it for this particular blog entry, please select another blog to comment on.

Due: Entries due by the beginning of class on January 15; comments are due by the beginning of class on January 18.

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